The Company delivered a robust performance, driven by an extremely proactive approach to crisis management.
Sugar Production in SS 2020-21
Ethanol Produced from B-heavy Molasses
Outstanding Order Book (Power Transmission and Water Business)
Revenues (Net)
Sugar and Alcohol businesses have been the biggest drivers of our largely positive performance amid an extremely challenging environment.
Responsible growth has always been central to the Triveni business strategy,
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(Data pertains to Financial Years, unless otherwise mentioned)
Figures are on Standalone Basis
Gross Revenue
EBITDA (before exceptional items)
Profit Before Tax (PBT)
Profit After Tax (PAT)
EPS (not annualized) (₹/share)
Gross Revenue
EBITDA (before exceptional items)
Profit Before Tax (PBT)
Profit After Tax (PAT)
EPS (not annualized) (₹/share)
Gross Revenue
EBITDA (before exceptional items)
Profit Before Tax (PBT)
Profit After Tax (PAT)
EPS (not annualized) (₹/share)
Gross Revenue
EBITDA (before exceptional items)
Profit Before Tax (PBT)
Profit After Tax (PAT)
EPS (not annualized) (₹/share)
(Figures are on a consolidated basis)
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