Product quality
Seamless value chain
Mutual trust and long-term relationships with 3,00,000+ farmers
Located strategically in the sugarcane-rich belt of Uttar Pradesh
Equipped to deliver integrated operations, encompassing sugar, co-generation and alcohol businesses
The Indian sugar industry - the second largest in the world, is a key driver of rural development, supporting India’s economic growth. It plays a vital role in the betterment of life in the sugar mill command areas. It is estimated that India’s sugar industry impacts the rural livelihood of about 50 million sugarcane farmers.
Contribution to India’s GDP
In ancillary activities related to logistics, repairs and maintenance, supply chain & supply of agriculture inputs.
Contribution of sugar/jaggery to daily individual calorie intake
Contribution by sugarcane in the form of bioethanol, bioelectricity
Strengthen our farmer relations to boost production, yield and enhance farmer’s income, thus uplifting and empowering the country’s rural population
Improve processes to produce high quality sugar and double capacity for pharma sugar to maximise the overall sugar realisation price
Expand Alcohol business to support the Government’s ethanol blending programme to create a more sustainable future by lowering emissions and reducing import dependence
At TEIL, we have an extensive cane development programme in place, facilitating the inclusive development and progress of our over 3 lakh farmer partners. We are working closely with the farmers in the command areas of our sugar manufacturing units, which are strategically located in:
Hectare area under Sugarcane
Farmer network
Worked aggressively on our cane development initiatives to maximise sugarcane yield and crush.
Invested in several socio-economic empowerment initiatives to transform the lives of our farmer associates; Stayed focussed on - knowledge-sharing and awareness, technology support, training modules, livelihood enhancement initiatives and soil health programmes.
Continued helping the farmers with the procurement of high-quality and/or new varieties of sugarcane seeds, as well as agro-inputs, at subsidised rates.
We have identified some new varieties, such as Co 118 & Co 15023, amongst some other existing varieties e.g. Co 98014, Co J88 etc., for propagation at our units
We have identified different sets of varieties to mitigate climatic and topographical challenges specific to different regions where our sugar units are located
We have signed an agreement with Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, for varietal evaluation and selection Trials
In July 2021, the Indian Government announced its decision to advance the target of 20% as per the Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme to 2025 (from the earlier 2030). The move has set the stage for the nation to reduce its fuel import bill by diverting sugar, utilising other feedstocks for the production of ethanol, providing stability of income to farmers and sugar mills.
Fuel-Grade Ethanol & ENA (which is used to produce Potable Alcohol)
Oil marketing companies
Alcohol-based chemicals
Liquor industry
High-quality Fuel-grade Ethanol, Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA), Indian Made Indian Liquor (IMIL)
High-quality Fuel-Grade Ethanol
Multi feed, High quality Fuel Grade Ethanol
Existing 160 KLPD Distillery at Sabitgarh expanded to 200 KLPD
There are plans to enhance the capacity of MZN and MNP distillery to 200 KLPD each during FY 23
Grain-based facility of 60 KLPD to be commissioned shortly at existing distillery complex at Muzaffarnagar (U.P.)
Commissioned greenfield multi-feed 160 KLPD distillery at Milak Narayanpur at the beginning of April 2022. The Company also enhanced operations at Sabitgarh from 160 KLPD to 200 KLPD. With these developments, the current distillation capacity of the Company is at 520 KLPD
We are at an advanced stage to commission 60 KLPD grain distillery at MZN. The overall capacity will be further expanded through debottlenecking and brownfield projects to 660 KLPD by July 2022
*During FY 22, the Company operated on 320 KLPD for major part of the year
(During FY 22)