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The Triveni business philosophy is rooted as much in inclusive progress as it is in profitable growth. We believe that we are responsible for the well-being of the communities that are in proximity to our manufacturing facilities and therefore, make sustained investments in their social welfare and economic empowerment.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) framework extends across a multitude of initiatives aimed at the socio-economic development of the farmer-partners of our sugar business. We are also engaged in rural infrastructure development to provide people in nearby villages with access to basic amenities. Sports promotion is another area of our CSR intervention.


Triveni Foundation

We have set up Triveni Foundation in 2020 intending to carry out CSR projects in a more focussed manner. The scope of the Foundation will be enlarged going forward. During FY 2020-21, the Foundation undertook the following projects under the CSR programme of the Company -

A) Research and Development for optimisation of resource usage through the application of state-of-the-art techniques for effective resource management. Under this project, Triveni Foundation provided funding support for Water Tool Applications for Sustainable Solutions, Enhanced Capacities, and Renewal (WASSER) 2020-21 Programme which includes research and development for resource usage optimisation through application of state-of-the-art techniques, which was carried out by CII Triveni Water Institute.

The key objectives of the project were:
  • Integration of novel techniques and granular databases to improve the analysis for improved operational efficiencies and operational sustainability.
  • Research and Development of optimisation techniques to help facilities improve water use efficiency through maximising water reuse and minimising the amount of wastewater.
The beneficiaries of this project were diverse stakeholders including industry and Government. The wider impact of the project is:
  • Wide-scale sensitisation amongst diverse stakeholders on the usefulness of the techniques amongst industry, Government, farmers and community etc. on measuring and mapping water risks at a meaningful scale, with credible outputs
  • Increased understanding amongst industry on measuring and mapping risks to facilitate appropriate decision-making
  • Application of optimisation techniques/methods for determining areas for improved resource usage
  • Raised awareness for removing barriers to changing behaviour

B) Supporting Football for Children and Youth in Villages/Small Schools: Triveni Foundation provided support to India Youth Soccer Association (IYSA) to work on developing football for children and youth in villages and small towns who have an interest in football. However, they do not have access to equipment and coaches. With the basic equipment like footballs, boots, playing kit, they can play and develop teams. By playing, they are engaged in a constructive effort keeping them away from anti-social activities especially in areas where there is little to do. Through football, they will develop life skills such as teamwork, leadership, respect, honesty, etc. Under the project, IYSA provided playing kit to players (jersey, shorts, stockings, shin pads), footballs, training equipment, administration and transportation. Technical guidance was also given to children and youth in villages and small towns in North India.


We also undertook the following projects directly under the CSR programme during 2021 including:



With the levels of environmental damage reaching alarming levels, Triveni's business value proposition is infused with a philosophy of inclusive and sustainable development. Our aim is to provide a favourable, safe, and healthy environment to our employees, supported by a robust Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy for fostering community development and social empowerment.

At the heart of our sustainability-led strategic charter is a multi-pronged approach, crafted to the future needs of society. We believe in and remain committed to the promotion of conserving the natural ecosystem for our future generations.




In our sugar business, we adhere strictly to sustainable business practices. A C4 crop, sugarcane captures a large amount of CO2, thus helping to combat climate change. The co-products from our sugar operations are used for generating power and producing biofuel ethanol and Extra Neutral Alcohol, while complying to the highest standards of environmental norms. Bagasse is a fibrous residue left after crushing of sugarcane and is a key co-product of the Sugar industry. Being a renewable fuel, it does not lead to any net carbon dioxide addition to the atmosphere, and is thus regarded as green fuel.


Our water and wastewater treatment solutions are contributing to sustainable water management for the present and future generations. Our strong focus on leveraging technology helps us to ensure sustainable reuse of water and preservation of this precious natural resource. We have partnered with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to set up CII-Triveni Water Institute (CII-TWI), the first of its kind in the world, where Government, industry, and civil society have come together to address water-related issues holistically.



Through our power transmission business, we provide innovative solutions to a wide range of industries, including Biomass and Municipal Solid Waste based Independent Power Plants (IPPs). The exponential growth in these sectors in recent years underlines the growing focus on reducing the environmental impact of business, since the fuels used at the MSW plants are renewable and, hence, eco-friendly.


While growth and profitability are strategic goals of our business philosophy, what drives our value proposition is our focussed commitment to EHS. We are constantly striving to go beyond mere regulatory compliance to continuously identify, monitor, assess, and address all operational and systemic risks that pose a threat to the sustainability of our operations.

All our manufacturing facilities are eco-friendly. Our distilleries are zero liquid discharge plants, with safety and environmental features in-built in their designs. We comply strictly with international safety norms. We conduct regular awareness drives and programmes to keep our people and vendors, as well as the communities in our vicinity, aligned with the EHS regulatory framework to which they need to adhere at all times.


Protecting Environment


Driven by our philosophy of maintaining ecological balance while ensuring business excellence, we have adopted the best-in-class sustainable practices across our operations and units. Our efforts are geared to reduce carbon footprint, minimise the use and storage of hazardous chemicals, keep air emissions in check, and ensure optimal use of water and other resources. Effluent treatment equipment is used to manage waste. We also undertake periodic assessments and studies to analyse the environmental impact of our business. We have set up an organisation-wide Environment Monitoring Cell to ensure strict implementation and adherence to all legal requirements in respect of environment conservation.

Ensuring Safety


We have a well-defined safety policy and various safety committees to keep employees and communities safe at all times. We take extensive measures to protect our physical and IT infrastructure, with safe emergency shutdown systems incorporated in all processes, machines and equipment. Modern safety equipment and experienced fire/safety teams are in place to meet any emergencies. Comprehensive disaster management and emergency preparedness plans are also in place, while regular safety drills help keep our people well prepared to deal with any situation.