Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report


AGeneral Disclosures

I. Details of the listed entity

S. No Particulars Response
1. Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of the Listed Entity L15421UP1932PLC022174
2. Name of the Listed Entity Triveni Engineering & Industries Limited (TEIL)
3. Year of incorporation 1932
4. Registered office address A-44, Hosiery Complex, Phase-II Extension, Noida-201 305, Uttar Pradesh
5. Corporate address ‘Express Trade Towers’, 8th Floor 15-16, Sector-16A, Noida 201 301 (U.P.)
6. E-mail
7. Telephone 0120-4308000
8. Website
9. Financial year for which reporting is being done 2023-24
10. Name of the Stock Exchange(s) where shares are listed Equity shares are listed on BSE Limited (BSE) and National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE)
11. Paid-up Capital 21.89 Crore
12. Name and contact details (telephone, email address) of the person who may be contacted in case of any queries on the BRSR report Mr. Sanjeev Asthana (Vice President – Human Resources), Corporate Office
13. Reporting boundary - Are the disclosures under this report made on a standalone basis (i.e. only for the entity) or on a consolidated basis (i.e. for the entity and all the entities which form a part of its consolidated financial statements, taken together). Disclosures made in this report are on a standalone basis as it forms 99.96% of the consolidated turnover.
14. Name of assurance provider Not Applicable
15. Type of assurance obtained Not Applicable