At TEIL, we are shaping a better, more resilient, and prosperous tomorrow for all through our commitment to sustainable growth. Our focus is on operating responsibly by addressing climate change, circular economy and water challenges, ensuring stakeholders’ prosperity and practising good governance. These efforts not only drive our success but also contribute to a brighter future and foster long-term value creation.

ESG-driven approach at TEIL

Maintaining ecological balance while ensuring business excellence

Best-in-class sustainable processes and solutions across all facets of operations

Enabling community development and social empowerment

Capital allocation focussed on reducing carbon footprint and promoting energy efficiency

Promoting circular economy by utilising co-products as raw materials for other products

Highest level of ethical and corporate governance standards


Reducing carbon footprint and emissions

Our Sugar business has 104.5 MW of co-generation capacity which reduces carbon footprint and facilitates in meeting nearly all the captive power requirement of the sugar & distillery units. Installation of bag filters, electrostatic precipitators and wet scrubbers in steam boilers at sugar and distillery units keeps air pollution below regulatory norms.

Our Power Transmission business (PTB) provides innovative, value-engineered solutions, including to the renewable energy sector, promoting a green economy. They have reduced their carbon footprint by switching to LED lighting, having captive wind capacity which meets ~85% of power needs and using variable frequency drive for heavy-duty motors. The use of sea routes for export/imports optimises fuel consumption.

Water and wastewater management

We are a leading player in water and wastewater management, providing integrated municipal and industrial solutions to address water challenges globally.

We have installed water treatment plants across our businesses, ensuring zero liquid discharge. The sugar, distillery and power transmission businesses treat process wastewater and reuse it. This minimises groundwater extraction and prevents harm to soil health and biodiversity. The PTB also has rainwater harvesting with a sump capacity of 8 lakh litres, which is 100% used for cooling and gardening purposes.

Circular economy operations

We effectively utilise co-products generated in our sugar and distillery businesses to produce value-added products, minimising environmental impact and maximise value from them.

Some of the key efforts include:

  • Co-generation: Using bagasse, a renewable source of energy, to generate power which is captively used and surplus sold to the grid.
  • Potash rich ash: A co-product from the incineration of slop, which is a concentrated form of spent wash generated during the conversion of molasses/syrup to ethanol. This is sold for potash fertiliser production, contributing to India’s potash self-sufficiency.
  • Fly ash: Fly ash derived from bagasse during the steam and power generation process is sold for fly ash brick manufacturing/soil enrichment.
  • Alcohol: Using all generated molasses (after levy obligation) to produce alcohol – ethanol to blend with petrol and ENA for potable and industrial purposes.
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2): A CO2 plant at Sabitgarh captures the entire CO2 from the fermentation section which is compressed and sold as liquid CO2 and dry ice, avoiding greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Press mud/filter cake: A residue of cane processing rich in convertible substrates, it is used as organic manure by farmers to enrich soil nutrients. We aim to convert this into renewable biogas through an anaerobic digestion process in future.

Promoting sustainable agriculture practices

We have implemented several best practices to make sugarcane farming more sustainable, including:

  • Improving soil health through optimal nutrient management, guided by soil analysis based on soil health cards, and encouraging leaving sugarcane on soil to enhance organic content in soil
  • Enhancing irrigation efficiency or optimising water and fertiliser consumption, thereby reducing costs and improving soil health
  • Integrated pest management using methods which are economic and environment-friendly
  • Promoting intercropping with legumes, mustard, wheat, etc. to optimise natural resources, stabilise crop yield and enhance productivity while enhancing farmer income

Sustainable sourcing

Our robust sourcing strategy enables the effective selection of vendors based on sustainable requirements. This ensures alignment of their performance with TEIL and contributes to our supply chain resilience.

How our businesses are promoting sustainable sourcing

  • Established efficient logistics arrangements, including the use of GPS and geofencing to track movements. These ensure efficient movement of raw materials and products, contributing to reduced transport-related emissions, associated costs and timely deliveries which maintains sugarcane quality
  • Seamless and resource-efficient supply of bagasse from own sugar units to cogeneration plants
  • Sourcing of feedstock (molasses, sugarcane juice/syrup and grain) from own sugar mills and market, alongside transport arrangement monitoring ensures uninterrupted operations
Power Transmission Business
  • Most supplies are engineered-to-order and ‘largely outsourced’ to approved vendors, and inspected in line with our Quality Assurance program and directly deliver at the project sites
  • Structured mechanism to develop vendors and maintain approved vendors list for various requirements to ensure efficiency
  • Vendor selection based on past performance, cost competitiveness and compliance with regulations and various ESG matters

Minimising the Effluents in Sugar & Alcohol businesses

  • Treating and recycling water for use in sugar & distillery processes to minimise the groundwater extraction
  • Using effective systems and equipment to reduce effluents, also installed & operating incineration boilers along with complete related systems to ensure Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) in all distilleries and generating Value Added Products (VAP) like potash rich ash
  • Limiting air pollution well below regulatory norms through installation of well-engineered Bag Filters/ Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs)/Wet Scrubbers in its boilers

Power Transmission business: Reducing Carbon footprint

  • Invested in a Group Captive Wind Project to facilitate to meet 85% of total power consumption from wind energy currently
  • Gearbox oil and lubricants used in the plant for manufacturing and testing of gearboxes are collected, stored and sold to the State Pollution Control Board-approved vendor for recycling

Water business: Contributing to Environment and Social Welfare

  • Majority of our new STPs are compliant to new NGT surface discharge standards like BOD (<10 ppm), COD (<50 ppm), and TSS (<10) thereby protecting the environment from possible pollution and creating a healthy environment for public at large.
  • Our recycle & reuse projects are minimising the pollution load and reducing dependence on fresh water usage.

Fostering social, employee and community empowerment

Socio-economic development of farmers

We maintain continuous communication with farmers to address their needs. We support them with counselling/education, sugarcane development programmes and soil health improvement to enhance productivity and yields. Digital technologies are used to empower them. Utilising GPS technology, we provide real-time information on weather, disease or any other matters. Satellite mapping and drone-based chemical spraying technologies are employed for disease management. Through these measures, we have strengthened relations with farmers and helped enhance productivity and income.

Delighting industrial customers

We deliver innovative and exceptional products to our customers in power transmission and water businesses, addressing the evolving needs and empowering their businesses. We have further deployed robust data protection and privacy policies to secure critical information.

Empowering employees

We promote a work culture that fosters diversity, equity, and inclusion, ensuring all employees feel respected and valued. We maintain ongoing engagement through diverse channels and platforms, ensuring their needs are met and promoting a supportive workplace. All our plants maintain stringent health and safety standards resulting in a track record of zero incidents and have policies for human rights ensuring compliance with labour principles. These efforts have resulted in a highly engaged and satisfied workforce contributing to the organisation’s growth.

Holistic development and prosperity of communities
Education and Women Empowerment
  • Support to schools at Khatauli, Deoband and Ramkola

    The Company supports schools at Khatauli, Deoband and Ramkola which provide free/ subsidised education to children from the local communities. The Company also provided computers to the schools in order to upgrade the education standards at these schools.

  • Support to Nursing School

    As part of the CSR projects relating to promotion of education and women empowerment, the Company provided financial support to the Nursing School of a hospital to improve teaching standards.

  • Screening of Cancer, Osteoporosis and Anaemia in Females

    The Company organised a programme to promote healthcare in women, especially of the lower socio-economic strata in Delhi. Under this project, the hospital provided free investigations and medical advice/consultation to the women from lower income groups of Delhi.

  • Preventive Health Check-up Programme for Young Girls

    It also supported a project under which Screening of Developmental & Behavioural Problems in children was undertaken and consultants provided advice for preventing these problems and promoting healthcare in children, especially of the lower socio-economic strata in Delhi.

  • New-born Screening Programme

    The Company organised a programme for core screening of new-borns especially who belong to the lower socio-economic strata. The core screening included Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH), Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency (G6PD) and Oto Acoustic Emission (OAE) for hearing loss

  • Healthcare Mobile Vans (Mobile Chikitsa)

    The Company through Triveni Foundation is running four mobile healthcare vans (Mobile Chikitsa) in the nearby villages of sugar units in the state of Uttar Pradesh to facilitate community-based healthcare projects in association with Jubilant Bhartia Foundation (JBF) targeting around three lakh farmers.

Promoting Sports
  • Promoting Football for Children & Youth

    The Company supported India Youth Soccer Association, an NGO promoting football among the economically backward section of the society. IYSA implemented Josh Rural project under which they supported boys, girls and coaches in villages and small-town Football Academies in North India with kit, footballs & training equipment

Environment Sustainability
  • Soil Health Analysis and Fertiliser Incentive Program

    The Company implemented soil health analysis and fertiliser incentive programme among the farmers community in order to support the environment sustainability and maintain ecological balance of the soil.

  • Developing, applying innovative methods, tools, and techniques to enable improved water management

    Under this project, Triveni Foundation provided funding support to CII Triveni Water Institute for this project which is focussed on raising awareness, of diverse stakeholders on usage of innovative methods, state-of-the-art tools and world-class techniques that meet international standards and enable appropriate decision-making for water resource planning in India

Highest standards of governance

TEIL is a professionally-run organisation with an experienced management team and visionary leaders. Our robust governance framework ensures accountability, transparency and fairness in business practices. We have a robust Code of Conduct which is stringently followed by all employees as well as systems, processes and policies which ensure the highest governance standards and ethical practices.

Our Board is underpinned by diversity with members having broad-based functional and managerial competencies and experience. ~67% of our Board is independent ensuring all decisions and actions are in the interest of the organisation and its stakeholders. We also have in place a robust Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy, ensuring effective management of uncertainties and our long-term success.